onsdag 28 december 2016

Day 277

Needed to take a walk after all eating a lot of Christmas food and cookies. This barrel is standing in our backyard.

tisdag 27 december 2016

Day 276

A glas, some sodawater and a slice of lime.. And a photo editing program :)

måndag 26 december 2016

Day 275

It's Boxing Day but also Macro Monday and today we get to chose from a favorite theme that has been used this year. I joined pretty late but found a theme called hot and cold that I knew I had something I wanted to try out for.

Day 274

Been celebrating Christmas two days in a row and was really tired so a photo of a beer can is what I managed to produce!

Day 273

You might think that I should have a very Christmas realted photo on Christmas Eve, but this actually is that. Because this beer is from the last day (the 24th) in my husbands adventcalendar!

fredag 23 december 2016

Day 272

It's the day before Christmas and while I was waiting for my sons train to arrive I visited the cathedral in Växjö to take some pictures. In this cathedral there is a very beautiful light carrier in form of a tree with glass leaves. I lit a candle in memory of those in my family that is no longer with us and that we miss all the time but even more around Christmas and took some time to forget about the stress outside and just felt the peaceful feeling in side the church.

torsdag 22 december 2016

Day 271

Another day with lots to do and not many photos taken, but here are some walnuts!

onsdag 21 december 2016

Day 270

I made some pickled Herring today and actually this was like the only photo I've taken today. And when I realized that I was way to tired to try to take more photos.

tisdag 20 december 2016

Day 269

I Finally got to take a close up on the woodpecker, that my son named Einar,  that keeps coming back to eat at our birdfeeder today!

måndag 19 december 2016

Day 268

Christmas is getting closer and todays theme in Macro Mondays is Holiday Bokeh.

söndag 18 december 2016

Day 267

Todays theme in FotoSöndag is Candle and I couldn't resist to use my candleholders that are meant to use in the Christmas tree for living candles. I would never use these indoors in my tree, but why not take a photo outdoors this misty morning :)

lördag 17 december 2016

Day 266

My inspiration has been a bit low today, but I really like how this photo of a poinsettia turned out after some editing.

Day 265

Used up half of my tube with hand cream to get this shot!

torsdag 15 december 2016

onsdag 14 december 2016

tisdag 13 december 2016

Day 262

In Sweden we celebrate the memory of St. Lucia on the 13th of December with Lucia processions and beautiful songs. It's not the best photo in the world, but I like the feeling of warmth in it.

måndag 12 december 2016

Day 261

This weeks theme in MacroMondays is It's Alive! There are so many things that you could take photos of on this theme, but I found this lichen in our garden that turned out pretty nice on photo.

söndag 11 december 2016

Day 260

This Sunday our theme in FotoSöndag is waiting and appropriately enough our oldest son was going home and had to wait for the train.

fredag 9 december 2016

Day 258

It's a good thing that I have started to lighten up the house with different light trails because that means that you always have something to photograph when your inspiration is low.

torsdag 8 december 2016

Day 257

Not a very nice weather today but I did take a look around the house and found some water in a plasticbox that still was frozen.

onsdag 7 december 2016

tisdag 6 december 2016

Day 255

Christmas is getting closer and my husband has made Santas but they looked pretty frozen today.

måndag 5 december 2016

Day 254

It's MacroMonday and this weeks theme is arrow. I walked around the house and at first I only found boring arrows until I came up with this idea :)

söndag 4 december 2016

Day 253

This weeks theme in FotoSöndag is Mystery and I think this photo kind of shows a mysterious scenary.

fredag 2 december 2016

Day 251

Went for a walk around our house and found a lonely little leaf in this beautiful winter light.

torsdag 1 december 2016

onsdag 30 november 2016

Day 249

When you spend the day using your new oven you sometimes have to find those little things in your home to take photos of because it's suddenly dark outside!

tisdag 29 november 2016

Day 248

I had very little inspiration today, but even those days I'm always able to find something to take pictures of in my surroundings.

måndag 28 november 2016

Day 247

This MacroMondays theme is Beatles or Beetle someone in the flickr group was nice enough to list all the Beatles songs and I found one I had never heard of before called Cayenne. That was of course the one I wanted to interpret.

Yes it is Cayenne pepper!

söndag 27 november 2016

Day 246

This weeks theme in FotoSöndag is paraphernalia or as we say in swedish: attiralj. And for me the gingerbreads are the perfect paraphernalia to the mulled wine or as it's called in Sweden: Glögg.

lördag 26 november 2016

Day 245

I had so many visions of nice photos today, but none of them worked out the way I wanted them to. So instead you get a photo of a camera.

fredag 25 november 2016

torsdag 24 november 2016

Day 243

This morning I used the Wi-Fi function in my camera for real the first time. I placed the camera outside very near where I feed the wild birds and went back inside and pressed the trigger from inside the house with my mobile. Lots of pretty birds I can asure you.

onsdag 23 november 2016

Day 242

The weather has been amazing today and I managed to take some photos of this very very small litchen.

tisdag 22 november 2016

Day 241

I was going to take a beautiful picture of my newly baked Saffron buns, but sometimes things doesn't turn out the way you want it too. To be honest, they taste amazing, but I wont win any prizes for the look. So instead you get a picture of some grapes.

måndag 21 november 2016

Day 240

It's MacroMonday again, one of my favorite theme days. This week the theme is stitch. You might think I took an easy way out, but I really like the photo.

söndag 20 november 2016

Day 239

Harmony is todays theme in FotoSöndag and I tried to photograph lots of different things, but the most harmonic I could think of is my son reading a good book.

lördag 19 november 2016

fredag 18 november 2016

Day 237

Another try with waterdrop photos. I took over 600 photos and yet wasn't really satisfied. But that means that I will try another time.

torsdag 17 november 2016

Day 236

You can always find nice motives in old buildings. This is from one of the walls in the old barn we have.

onsdag 16 november 2016

tisdag 15 november 2016

Day 234

It's been raining all day and I decided to play some more with backlit technique again. I think it turned out pretty good.

måndag 14 november 2016

Day 233

It's Macro Monday and this weeks theme is mysterious. There is a lot of mysterious things in this world and one of them is the human body. One thing that is a bit of a mystery is how one of my sons tragus turned out.

We say that it looks like a puzzle.

söndag 13 november 2016

Day 232

This weeks theme in FotoSöndag is Analog and it's easy to find old consoles that is analog in my sons room.

lördag 12 november 2016

Day 231

Another beautiful morning with frost. I took a photo that didn't exactly came out as I wanted it too. Played around a bit in Elements and this is the end result.