tisdag 21 september 2021


 I live very near the forest with fields surrounding our house and yet I rarely see any elks. I know they are here because I can see the signs down at our pond that they visit there and drink. So imagine the joy when I here that there is an elk walking in a field very close to us and it's still there when I arrive. These animals are just incredible powerful and handsome when you get to see them so close and in there real habitat. 

onsdag 8 september 2021

Oak leaf

 I had a day off yesterday and on my walk I found these beautiful acorns, just had to take som photos with them. 

lördag 4 september 2021

365 project all over again!

 I have started a mission! I did managed to get myself through the project 365 a couple of years ago. Since then I have learned so much more about taking photos and most of all how to edit photos that might not came out the way you had planed. So I have started to re-edit all of those photos taken during that year. Today I thought I would show you how much a different editing can do to a photo. 

This photo was from day 34 and it was called green moss, pretty accurate since it shows green moss. There is nothing wrong with the original day 34, but not a very interesting photo. So what I have done is to crop in another way, I have enhanced the texture and clarity on the actual moss not the surrounding tree. 

So what do you think? Is the original or the new edited version the better one?

Original day 34

New version of day 34